Workshop Title:

Nine Steps to Nothing

Life Is Calling. Answer.


Multi-day, Extended Program
Upcoming Batch:



Batch 25


Shatter the Illusion. Embrace You. Begin Nine Steps to Nothing.

Over the past eight years and 24 batches, "Nine Steps to Nothing" has empowered countless individuals to reclaim their true selves and unlock their full potential.

A Glimpse Inside:

Tired of self-help fads and empty promises? This isn’t a workshop, it’s a revolution. We don’t peddle techniques, we shatter illusions. Forget personality tweaks, reclaim your true nature. Dive beyond the surface, explore ancient wisdom, and emerge liberated, boundless, you. Dare to answer life’s call? Step into Nine Steps to Nothing. Because transformation isn’t about fitting in, it’s about blowing the whole damn box wide open.

“The hero’s journey always begins with the call. One way or another, a guide must come to say, ‘Look, you’re in Sleepy Land. Wake. Come on a trip. There is a whole aspect of your consciousness, your being, that’s not been touched. So you’re at home here? Well, there’s not enough of you there.’ And so it starts.”

~ Joseph Campbell

What's Possible:

  • Unmask your conditioned self and ignite your authentic soul.
  • Tap into the infinite wellspring of your true potential.
  • Master conscious decision-making and forge your own path.
  • Transcend societal expectations and create a life without boundaries.
  • Experience profound clarity in relationships and communication.
  • Embrace life-affirming values and align with your true desires.
  • Liberate yourself from the shackles of the past and step into a limitless future.
  • Embrace simplicity and discover the elegance of authentic self-expression.
  • Join a community of like-minded seekers and ignite your transformation together.

Trusted Voices:

“I count this workshop on my list of life changing events. The workshop helped me examine and rethink my beliefs about personal freedom and choice. It also helped me identify and break patterns of thought and behavior which I had subconsciously adopted and which were holding me back. Most importantly, it has equipped me with a set of practices & frameworks that have helped me take ownership of my own development.”

– Siddharth Shah, Senior Marketing Manager

The Blueprint:

Imagine waking up each morning with a sense of boundless possibility. The weight of the past lifts, replaced by a lightness of being and a newfound clarity about your purpose. You move through the world with confidence and grace, your choices aligned with your deepest desires. Relationships deepen, communication flows effortlessly, and challenges become opportunities for growth. This is the reality that awaits you at the end of the Nine Steps to Nothing journey.

Our carefully crafted program, guided by the wisdom of Shaurya Singh, will take you on an inward odyssey. We’ll begin by dismantling the illusions and limitations that have kept you trapped. Through insightful discussions, powerful exercises, and explorations of ancient wisdom, you’ll peel back the layers of conditioning and rediscover your true nature.

Each step is a revelation, a doorway to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. You’ll learn to make conscious choices based on your authentic desires, not societal expectations. You’ll develop unshakeable self-awareness and embrace a life of unbounded creativity and expression.

Nine Steps to Nothing is not just a workshop; it’s a catalyst for radical transformation. It’s a community of like-minded seekers on a shared journey of self-discovery. It’s an invitation to live a life that is truly your own, a life that transcends limitations and embraces the infinite possibilities that lie within you.

Money back Guarantee
100% risk free

Experience Transformation, Risk-Free. At Unalome Project, we prioritize your satisfaction. With our commitment to a risk-free experience, we invite you to embark on your transformative journey with confidence. Discover the power of our workshops, knowing that your satisfaction is our top priority.

Embrace life-affirming values and align with your true desires.

Limited Seats. Register Now!

Facilitated by:


Shaurya Singh

Shaurya Singh, founder of Unalome Project, leverages two decades of diverse experiential learning: philosophy, spirituality, artistic expression, and transformative self-inquiry. His unique facilitation style fosters deep introspection and guides individuals towards authentic self-discovery.

Workshop Intention:
  • Unlearn conditioned beliefs and tap into your true potential.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of self-schema and personal identity.
  • Explore psychological concepts for enhanced self-awareness.
  • Develop conscious decision-making skills and authentic self-expression.
  • Embrace life-affirming values and make choices aligned with your true desires.
  • Transcend societal conditioning and narratives and embrace a life without boundaries.
Journey Stage:
Workshop Intensity Level:
Transformation Level:
Total Transformation
Top Benefits:
Self-discovery and self-realization, Access to infinite possibilities and potential, Awakening of inner power and purpose-driven living
Top Features:
Transformative teachings, Interactive sessions, Authenticity and self-expression exercises
Advaita Vedanta, Greek Philosophy, Non-duality, Self-enquiry, Existentialism, Sufi, Zen
Audio Recordings, Downloadable Resources, Handouts, Study Material
Who this workshop is meant for:
Artists, Community Oriented, Creators, Entrepreneurs, High Achieving Individuals, Knowledge Enthusiasts, Mindfulness Practitioners, Spiritual Practitioners, Spiritually Curious, Young Adults
Start Time:
6:00 pm
Start Date:
19 February, 2024
End Time:
9:00 pm
End Date:
9 March, 2024
Venue Name:
Via Zoom
Maximum Capacity:
Workshop Tuition:
All Payments Methods Accepted., Financial Assistance Available., Money Back Guaranteed., Returning Participant Discount Available.

Claim Your Limitless Future - Today.

Imagine waking up with a heart set ablaze. Knowing every choice you make aligns with your deepest desires. Feeling unshakeable clarity in your relationships and purpose. This is the reality that awaits you on the other side of Nine Steps to Nothing. Are you ready to claim the life you were born to live? Don’t let this opportunity slip away. Secure your spot now and embark on your Nine Steps to Nothing journey today. Click “Claim Your Limitless Future” and step into your boundless potential.

Limited Seats. Register Now!

Frequently asked:
Nine Steps to Nothing is an extraordinary 21-day online workshop designed to facilitate profound self-discovery, clarity, and transformation. It combines curated wisdom from various disciplines, including poetry, art, psychology, and mystic teachings, to guide participants on a journey of personal growth.
Absolutely! While the online format is new for some, the power of Nine Steps to Nothing lies in its transformative curriculum and the guidance of Shaurya Singh. Imagine this: instead of physical walls, the online setting creates a safe and intimate space for deep exploration and inner transformation. You'll be surrounded by a supportive community of like-minded seekers, all journeying together towards self-discovery. So, ditch the skepticism and embrace the boundless possibilities of online transformation.
At Nine Steps to Nothing, we draw wisdom from a rich tapestry of sources, including spiritual teachings. However, our workshop transcends specific religious beliefs or spiritual practices. Our focus lies in fostering personal growth, self-discovery, and empowerment. We offer a unique blend of insights and tools that can be embraced by individuals from diverse backgrounds and beliefs, echoing the inclusive nature of our values as Unalome Project. Join us on this transformative journey, free from religious dogma, and embrace the universal human quest for personal growth, clarity, and transformation. Nine Steps to Nothing offers insights and tools that respect and celebrate the diversity of spiritual and religious perspectives, empowering you to embark on your own unique path of self-discovery and fulfillment.
The transformative journey continues long after the workshop concludes. At Nine Steps to Nothing, we understand that real change happens beyond the workshop's confines. That's why we equip our participants with practical tools, practices, and frameworks that empower them to continue their personal growth and transformation in their daily lives. With the knowledge and insights gained during the workshop, participants are prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Armed with these valuable resources, they can integrate the workshop's teachings into their routines, relationships, and decision-making processes. We, as the Unalome Project, are dedicated to supporting you on this ongoing journey of actualizing your new self in the world. We provide ongoing guidance, resources, and a supportive community to ensure that your personal growth and transformation extend far beyond the workshop's duration. Remember, the true essence of the Nine Steps to Nothing workshop lies in the application of what you have learned. The real work begins as you embrace your newfound clarity and apply it to your daily life. We are here to walk alongside you, providing the support and encouragement you need as you continue to evolve and make authentic choices. Embrace the journey that lies ahead and embark on the path of self-realization, knowing that the Unalome Project is here to accompany you every step of the way. Together, we can unleash the full potential of your transformed self and create a meaningful impact in the world.
We understand that time is precious. That's why Nine Steps to Nothing is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your schedule. Each session is concise and impactful, requiring around 2-3 hours of your time. Plus, the online format allows you to participate from anywhere, making it easier to fit around your existing commitments. Remember, investing 21 days in your transformation can reap lifelong rewards. Nine Steps to Nothing caters to individuals at all stages of their self-discovery journey. Whether you're just beginning to question your reality or you're well on your path to awakening, this workshop offers valuable insights and tools for further growth. It's a safe space to explore your true potential without judgment or pressure. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be, and allow Nine Steps to Nothing to gently guide you towards your next step.
No need to worry! Nine Steps to Nothing is designed to be accessible and supportive. Shaurya Singh's guidance is clear and insightful, and the curriculum is tailored to cater to diverse learning styles. You'll receive comprehensive materials and ongoing support throughout the 21 days, ensuring you get the most out of your experience. Remember, we're all in this together, and no one is left behind.
Investing in Nine Steps to Nothing is an investment in yourself, your growth, and your future. The cost reflects the depth and transformative potential of the program. Consider it an investment in reclaiming your power, breaking free from limitations, and creating a life of boundless possibility. The return on this investment is priceless, an authentic life lived on your own terms.
Transformational workshop, Self-realization, Philosophy, Psychology, Art, Cinema, Inner journey, Consciousness, Empowerment, Choice, Personal growth, Life-changing, Wisdom, Unlearning, Identity, Existence, Freedom, Perception, Belief systems, Conditioned beliefs, Human potential, Creative expression, Open-mindedness, Authenticity, Self-awareness, Life choices, Meaningful living, Self-discovery, Mindset
Unalome Project operates as a platform for individuals to learn, grow, and discover themselves. We encourage open discussions on diverse topics, including potentially offensive or taboo themes, with the aim of examining conditioning and promoting personal growth. While the intention is not to cause harm or offense, discussions may involve explicit language and content. Participants are expected to engage respectfully, acknowledging that comfort levels vary. All involvement in the Unalome Project, including team, volunteers, facilitators, and participants, is voluntary. The content provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, and individuals should consult qualified professionals for health concerns. By engaging with the Unalome Project, you accept these terms, including the potential for sensitive discussions and the spirit of personal exploration within our community.

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