Embodying Kali

Topics Covered:

  • Understanding the symbolism of Goddess Kali
  • Ancient movement practices for self-liberation
  • Shedding layers of falsehood and illusion
  • Embracing authenticity and unapologetic self-expression


  • Guided exploration of Kali energy
  • Powerful ancient movement exercises
  • Interactive and participatory session
  • Insights into the symbolism of Goddess Kali


  • Rediscover innate power
  • Liberation from pretense and societal expectations
  • Embrace authenticity and unvarnished self-expression
  • Connect with a community on a journey of self-discovery

Target Audience:

  • Individuals seeking personal empowerment
  • Those interested in ancient wisdom and movement practices
  • Seekers of authenticity and self-liberation

Tuition (in Rupees):


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Introducing ‘Embodying Kali,’ a groundbreaking one-hour workshop by Unalome Project, now available on WooCommerce. Immerse yourself in the transformative power of ancient movement practices, guided by the primal force of Kali energy. This workshop goes beyond the ordinary, offering a dynamic journey of self-liberation and empowerment. Unmask your true self, rediscover innate power, and embrace authenticity. Lead the thought and change your game today. Take the leap into a transformative experience now with ‘Embodying Kali.

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