
NSN Zero

You were brave in NSN. You faced the void head-on and started dismantling the old self, brick by brick. But, as you know, the journey of unbecoming is not a one-and-done deal. It’s a spiral staircase, a constant dance between our shadows and our light.

And the world? It doesn’t always make it easy. Those old patterns re-emerge, whispering lies disguised as new problems, the same old complaints in different clothes. The new values you embraced can start to blur. The mainstream narrative keeps on pulling you back into old ways of thinking and doing. Even the clarity you touched in NSN can begin to feel far away. That’s the way of transformation. It’s a beautiful, messy, sometimes frustrating dance.

NSN Zero is your anchor. A way back to your center. A chance to revisit what you went through, but this time from a different seat. You get to be the observer, the scientist of your own transformation.

Tuition (in Rupees):

Original price was: ₹9,999.00.Current price is: ₹2,999.00.

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Here, you will:

  • Witness the Mechanics of Change: Observe the process of transformation in yourself and others. Understand the subtle interplay of resistance and release, and learn to navigate the pitfalls that await on the path of self-discovery.
  • Revisit the Core Concepts: Deepen your understanding of schema, existentialism, non-duality, and other key NSN principles.
  • Integrate Your Shadow: Continue the work of acknowledging and integrating the parts of yourself you once disowned.
  • Reinforce Your Liberation: Solidify the changes you made in NSN. Ensure that old patterns remain dismantled.
  • Dissect the Paradoxes: Explore the liberating power of challenging ideas like “meaning is created not found” and “don’t be yourself.”
  • Reconnect with the Community: Engage in the ‘living conversation’ with fellow NSN alumni and a new cohort of participants. Witness the transformative power of the living conversation unfold. The shifting of the narrative happens through the living conversation.
  • Live the Questions: Move beyond the need for answers and learn to embrace the unknown.

NSN Zero is not about finding answers; it’s about deepening the questions. It’s about recognizing that the truest self is not built, but revealed.

Program Details:
  • Limited to 11 participants.
  • Online via Zoom.
  • Access to all sessions (except Catharsis).
  • Prerequisite: Completion of Nine Steps to Nothing (NSN).


NSN Zero is your call to dismantle the narrative once more, to master the art of unbecoming, and to embrace your untamed truth.

Are you ready to reclaim your freedom?


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